Saturday, December 12, 2015


Welp, today is the day. I am officially 25 years old.

1. Have a baby
2. Stay in Miranda Lambert's Inn/Go to Redemption Ranch
3. Graduate UHCL
4. Get my dream Jeep
5. Live alone (with my furbabies, of course)
6. Go to Florida to see Ashley compete  here
7. Buy a new laptop
8. Get my dream job teaching
9. Take a pole dancing class
10. Complete 365 without skipping a day
11. Donate the clothes I don't wear
12. Baby-cation to Lake Travis, put a lock on railing at The Oasis for me and baby
13. Perfect my great-great-great-(etc.)grandma's biscuits
14. Go to Disney World
15. Complete 30 Pinterest projects, with reviews on the blog
16. Go to North Carolina
17. Get back to 130 pounds
18. See a meteor shower in the middle of nowhere 
19. Write a letter on my 25th bday and open on my 30th bday
20. Do a boudoir photo shoot (after I lose weight)
21. Run a full 5k
22. Go to the Thirty-One Conference
23. Party in New Orleans
24. Have long mermaid hair
25. Family reunion in Florida
26. Go to the Smithsonian's National Zoo
27. Go back to Wike-Wachee
28.Get a Shasta trailer
29. Pass all my TExES exams on the first try
30. Get my mermaid tattoo

Monday, October 26, 2015

Why are you single? You're great!

Let's be honest, for the most part, being single has its good points. But then there's days like today, where I just wish I had someone. So let's take a look as to why I will be #foreversingle:

1. I'm a homebody.

I go out, at most once a month for one night on the weekend. It's usually to the bar down the street and 75% of the people that go there, I went to high school with. I would much rather be at home in my sweats on the couch.

2. I talk about my dogs too much.

Hello? Their perfect, I can't help it!

3. I spend 90% of my life at school.

I'm going to school to be a teacher. Yes, there are guys in my classes. 3? In all of my classes....Yeahh, not many options there. 

4. My recent emojis...

Yeah, I'm just going to leave this here.

5. I'm more interested in having children, then finding a man.

6. I'm bad about being done with one little mistake.

I know, I need to work on it.

7. I hate shaving my legs.

8. I'm tired.

I'm tired from school, and I'm especially tired because I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and who wants to take care of someone who's sick and in pain all the time?

9. I need to work on my relationship with God first.

10. I've had my heart broken too many times.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What's a girl to do while she waits for Mr. Right?

Ugh. I don't even want to write anything because all I can think of to write is about feeling bad for myself. I need to stop! I guess I'm in just a bad funk these days. My brother just moved in with his girlfriend. My cousin in engaged. My best friend is married with two perfect babies. My parents are dating. And, then there's me....
This always makes me laugh!
But, seriously though.
Goodnight y'all.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What I've been working on?

I've learned as I've been doing this, that my pictures look better during the day in the sun, outside! If you wanna check out my Facebook click here.
Thanks y'all!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

That's right y'all! It's Rodeo time, here in Pasadena! Pasadena Rodeo and Cook-Off is one of the biggest events people prepare for in this part of town. People save all of their vacations at work to take 2 weeks off for this. Other major life events are scheduled to NOT happen during this time, because, well let's be honest, no one would show up to your even because they are all at rodeo or cook-off. Tonight is the 5th night of rodeo with it going until Saturday night. I, of course, go every night, because I love it so much.And then next weekend will be the cook-off! But, here are a few pictures from this past weekend!
These two girls have become two of my most favorite people everrr.

Miss Peyton

Our group kept growing. I love my adopted family!

Pasadena always does a big memorial and honor all of our veterans. But, this one, is my favorite.

Talk to y'all soon!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Single and Ready to Mingle?

I have the worst luck when it comes to dating. I dated, what I thought was going to be my high school sweetheart for 3 very long, hard years. After that, it took me quite a while to start dating again. The next guy I dated, although we didn't date as long,  we became very serious, very quickly. But that relationship just wasn't right. It was something God just knew wasn't right. Nothing bad happened in the relationship, it just wasn't right. That was about 3 years ago, and I really haven't really "dated" much. Until last year...this time last year was when it all changed. My lifelong best friend changed everything between us. And when I say I fell, I fell hard for him. He left for the Marines right after and we planned to work through things and see how it went. When he graduated and came home, he told me he wanted to focus only on the Marines. He didn't break my heart, but he did break me. I would do anything for him. I've been trying to get out there more and try and date but who knows. I've gotten on Plenty of Fish because I know multiple people who have met their now husbands. Well the other night I decided to get on Christian Mingle. I want a man who knows God and has a relationship with him. I want someone who helps me build a stronger relationship with God as well as me and him.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Being a Mom

No matter what I have wanted to do with my life, being a mom was always number one. As every day passes, it seems the world is turning into a more and more horrid place to live in. Today, I was talking to my mom about Deputy Darren Goforth's funeral. I couldn't watch the funeral, because I knew I would be a sobbing mess; but, I had read multiple articles about the funeral. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, and it scares me that it will continue to happen and nobody can do anything to change it.  In the Bible in Timothy, it says "and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary." People don't understand, but this is happening! Okay, I did not want this to be a political/religious post! I got off track a little. But, when me and my mom were talking about it, this topic came up, and what ties it all together is...I want to be a mom before this all happens. Yes, I understand, NO body knows when this will happen! But it's coming. I know more than 100% when it does happen, if I'm not there yet, that I will be going to Heaven and spending eternity with God. But if there is one thing I could do before that happens, being a mom is it. Yes, finishing school is very important, getting married would be awesome, but having a child is my number one priority. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Sarah, when was the last time you even had a boyfriend??" Ugh, don't remind me. For the last, I don't know, at least 5 years now, I have always said, that if I didn't have a husband/boyfriend by the time I was 27, I would take this into my own hands by doing some sort of IVF to have a child. As I'm nearing up on my 25 birthday in a couple of months, I have really been considering pushing up to 26. I definitely have a lot of praying and thinking to do about this decision, and if you could, please say a quick prayer for me, that I make the best decision for me and my future child. Now I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I will end with one of my favorite bible verses. Psalm 113:9 He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hello Internet World!

So I decided I wanted to start this blog because I'm turning 25 this year (I know, hard to believe!). But I am wanting to do a "30 before 30" and figured what better place to keep track of it, then here! Luckily, I have a few months still to come up with more ideas, because I have 7....yes, only 7. So, shoot me some ideas if you have any and enjoy the blog!