Thursday, May 26, 2016

So what are you doing these days, Sarah?

I can't tell you how many times I get asked that question and the answers seems to always be "still school".

When I graduated high school I thought I had my life planned out. I was moving to San Antonio for school, going to dental school and then becoming an orthodontist. As we all know, God likes to change our plans a lot! My brother was in and out of a lot of trouble, my parents were divorcing, and I thought all my friends were replacing me. I went into a major depression. I joined AOII and I thought that would help, it did bring me my best friend though! I spent day after day laying in bed crying and not knowing what to do. Classes were horrible and nothing like I expected. I thought the next year would be better after the summer being home and moving into an apartment with three of my sorority sisters. My depression continued getting worse and I decided it was time to talk to my doctor. My Ehlers Danlos pain was also horrible. Classes were still getting worse and I thought maybe taking a semester off would help and I ended up getting a job. March of 2010, I had a complete breakdown and begged my mom to let me move back home. I came home and took another semester off while I started working. I still wasn't sure about what I wanted to do with my life but I knew it was something with kids or babies. After a few years of random classes and working towards my basics, I started working at a daycare. One day was all it took for me to know I wanted to be a teacher. I continued taking classes and got my associates degree in child development. I finally transferred to UHCL and started taking my education classes. After seven years of depression and moving multiple times and learning to deal with EDS, I had to work to get my GPA back up to an acceptable GPA from nothing, literally a zero. Today I got an email saying I was finally accepted into the Teacher Education Program. This may not be a big deal to some, and there are many days I hate that I should have graduated three years ago. But I haven't given up and I never will. I never could have done any of this if it wasn't for my faith, my parents, family, best friends, and now my amazing boyfriend who pushes me to be the best I can be! 

Life with you makes perfect sense!

For years and years I have been hoping to meet my prince charming, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. For the last almost 5 months, I have spent with that person. On my birthday, I got the best gift I could ever receive and that was meeting Zachary. I feel like I have known this man my entire life, and I can't wait to see what the future hold for us.

You know it's true love, when he buys and wears a Florida Gator shirt and goes to a meet with you!


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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Florida in February

We spent last weekend in Florida visiting my sweet cousin and watching her and the rest of the Gator Gymnasts compete! Here's some of our pictures! 
My mom and Ashley

We all got Gator Gymnastics tumblers for being the first 500 in line!

Ashley and our cousin Cameron. He hates us because he's always busy and never wants to see us.

In the Houston airport before we flew to Florida

My Aunt Denise

Open spot for another National Champion trophy!

Me, Aunt Lori, Mom and Aunt Shelly

I wish Florida wasn't so far away

When we got on the plane leaving Houston

Of course I had to see the Gator pool!

We should have gotten two cups because we were first in line!

The Swamp!

I love this picture of Ashley and her smile!

Our cousin Casey

Only best friends will mess with your zits

Future roomies

Brunch before the meet!

This is my Gram-Cracker

I was a little frustrated that this woman got in my picture while we were in the swamp. 
Hello Houston! 

The amazing love of my life brought me these beautiful roses when we got home Sunday night.